Saturday, September 7, 2024

Week 5

 Happy Saturday!

This week in English we will FINALLY have a test-free week.  I am thankful my students have hung in there and gotten the job done. If your student missed a GATES exam, they will be required to make it up this week.

Your student's first essay is due on Monday. A copy of the prompt with an example is attached. They have had this assignment since the second day of school. On Monday, we will also be going to the library to renew their books. Please make sure your student has their book so they can avoid a fine.
Tuesday-Friday our focus will be on writing, vocabulary, and our short story unit.  This is the first week students will have a QUILL assignment due by Friday.  Thanks so much for your support!
Mrs. Matejka

Monday, September 2, 2024

Week 4

 Happy Labor Day! I hope everyone had a wonderful long weekend.

Tomorrow we will be having our "tea party" as we read "The Landlady."  Students will be eating graham crackers as we read the story. Please make sure your student has a bottled water to drink tomorrow.   We will continue to work on Vocabulary this week. NEXT WEEK we will begin Quill activities that are due by Friday at noon. They are allowed to work on these during class when other activities are completed, otherwise, they will be homework.

Wednesday-GATES Vocabulary test

Thursday-GATES Comprehension test

Friday-Watch "Tales of the Unexpected-The Landlady" with a compare/contrast activity

September 9-Essay #1 is due. 

Have a great week!

Mrs. Matejka

Friday, August 23, 2024

Week 3-August 26-30

 August 23

Dear Families,

There seem to be concerns about grades and the new grading scale. I’m going to do my BEST to try to explain.  We have now gone to a ten point grading scale, but with standard’s grades still attached unless it is a practice exercise only.  The new system will coincide so much better with high school and the middle school grading system.

Since this morning, I have had several parents “worried” about the grades they are seeing. Literally, by the end of the 9-weeks (quarter) your student will have about 25 grades for my class. These will  include essay grades (counts 2 test grades), a book report (counts 2 test grades), daily writing prompts, quizzes, etc.  I PUSH my students as hard as possible when it comes to writing in our class time. I even write when they write so they have an example to follow.  I want them to be the best and they will be by the time they leave my classroom in May.  So just know I’m tough in the beginning, but it will all work out in the end.  You have my solid promise on this!

I have been in education for 29 years, and 99 percent of my students have moved on to be successful individuals and college-educated/graduate students. Overall, just please relax on the grades you see. It will all be okay!

For this week:

We will be visiting the library on Monday and assigning our book report.  I can’t wait to do this activity with my students because they get to be artistic and creative! Fun stuff!  On Wednesday and Thursday of this week will be a Common Lit assignment on both writing and on a short multiple choice test. These are pre-tests to see how I can help them in the long run to be successful in their readings.

Have a beautiful weekend!

-Cindy Matejka

PS. We are having a “tea” party that goes along with our classroom short story. If you could contribute a box of graham crackers, it would truly be appreciated!

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Week 2-English 7 Honors & English 7

 Welcome to week #2. I hope your student has found my classroom a comforting and enjoyable space.

  • This week in Honors English we will go over various aspects of short stories and dive into our first short story by Roald Dahl.   His short stories have a "creepy" factor and the kids love them.  I will be doing "The Landlady" in a couple of weeks and will need donations of graham crackers for a "tea" party that coincides with the story.  I'll be dressed up for the event. Also this week we will have a pre-test in Quill to see where our students need assistance in their writing.  Students will also be introduced to pre-SAT vocabulary. I am enjoying this class so much!  

  • English 7 this week we will take notes on Short Story terms and begin our first short story, "Those Three Wishes." We will analyze the story as well.  I am also going to mix in an episode of "The Munsters" which we will break down into various short story elements.  This week we will also have a pre-assessment in Quill.  This test is just to help me assess where they need help in their writing and grammar skills.
As always, if you have any questions, feel free to email me at any time:  Have a great weekend.

Friday, August 2, 2024

2024-2025 School Year

 Here we go diving into another year at Sunrise Ridge Intermediate.  Please find below our department disclosure statement. Please use the attached link to sign it.  Only with signatures will we be allowed to use certain programs in the classroom. Please sign disclosure here.

Please read the DISCLOSURE statement which can be found HERE.

Classroom Amazon Wishlist can be found HERE.

I look forward to a successful school year.

-Cindy Matejka

Sunday, May 5, 2024

May 6-10

 English 7 Honors

  • Continue our reading of Dead End in Norvelt 
  • Writings daily
  • Continue our project of creating a tiny house
  • FIELD TRIP May 16 at 9:30 a.m. to the Warbird Museum
English 7
  • Continue our reading of The Donut Fix
  • Vocabulary Test Monday
  • Common Lit on Monday
  • Daily writings
  • Reading Day on Friday

Sunday, April 14, 2024

April 15-19

29 Days until Summer...kind of crazy how the school year has gone by.

I humbly request that students nominate a teacher in Washington County for the accolades they deserve here:  at this website.  It is exciting they are recognizing teachers and their hard work.

This week:

English 7 Honors:

  • Continue work on our Tiny House Design Project.
  • Tuesday-Research project presentations.
  • Wednesday-Library visit to prepare for RISE testing
  • Thursday-Begin Reading Dead End in Norvelt
    • Introductory Activity and Writing Assignment
  • Friday-Work on Tiny House Design Project
English 7
  • Daily Writings
  • Mugshots
  • Continue Reading The Doughnut Fix
  • Tuesday-Research project presentations.
  • Wednesday-Library visit to prepare for RISE testing
  • Thursday-In-class Writing Assignment
  • Friday-Novel Questions

Week 5

  Happy Saturday! This week in English we will FINALLY have a test-free week.  I am thankful my students have hung in there and gotten the j...