Happy Weekend!
I will be out on Monday, January 8th to have a CT Scan done of our son's knees, a repercussion of the car accident they were in before Christmas. After this appointment, I should be present the rest of the year, which is what I promised the kids!
Honors-I have changed our new novel to Unbroken for this quarter. We will begin this later this week. I bought with my money for in-classroom use.
7 Honors
- Monday-Common Lit Assessment for Middle of the Year. It is imperative that all students try their best.
- Quill this week-due Friday
- Tuesday-Review the concept of themes with Aesop Fables.
- Wednesday-Work on project on designing a field trip.
- Thursday/Friday-begin novel, Unbroken
7 General
- Monday-Common Lit Assessment for Middle of the Year. It is imperative that all students try their best.
- Quill this week-due Friday
- Tuesday-Review theme with Aesop Fables
- Continue reading The Worst Class Trip Ever